2011年8月25日 星期四
Build immunity with food
Arun Goel
Understanding Yoga Holidays

In such holidays, you are exposed to a whole new philosophy to life. Modern medicine now recognizes that over 90% of all health disorders are psychosomatic in nature - they have their origin in the mind. Yoga recognizes this holistic aspect of health and a yoga retreat serves a perfect medium for understanding this mind-body connection for health management.A yoga holiday can help you learn tips and techniques on self-health management - Why feel dependent on external help to set yourself right?More importantly, a yoga retreat provides a clearer direction towards a peaceful way of existence. We develop an increased capacity to resolve our inner turmoil and anxieties that we experience every single day.A Yoga holiday serves as a guide for a fitter lifestyle through an all-round focus including attention to food and diet.In all, while serving as a pleasant diversion, a yoga holiday helps you appreciate nature and surroundings in a way you have never before while providing you invaluable tools for independent life management that you will continue to cherish forever.What to look for in a Yoga retreat?

A lot of casual holidays pass of as Yoga holidays when in fact they teach you nothing more than just some odd yoga routines in a good serene setting. However, there is much more to a Yoga retreat.Firstly, be clear what you are looking for. You could either be a beginner seeking to be exposed to a yoga way of life management. Or you could be a practicing yogi seeking to explore advanced techniques and practices in physical postures. These 2 kinds of retreats could be quite different.If you are a beginner, you should choose a yoga retreat that exposes you to various facets of yoga including some enlightening talks that will help you get familiar with the yoga way of life. Meditation techniques that help to harmonize the mind-body connection are a must. Qualified yoga teachers must conduct the retreats with a comprehensive understanding on various aspects of yoga and not JUST yoga exercises. It goes without saying that the yoga retreat should be conducted in a suitable, serene place that fits into the spirit of yoga. A place with tremendous spiritual energy would work best for such retreats.If you are the one looking for advanced yoga practices, seek out a retreat organized by teachers with considerable experience in Ashtanga, Hatha or Iyengar Yoga, as they will be best suited to teach you advanced practices.Either way, Yoga retreats are something that must be experienced as they provide that "something" that will serve as a helpful guide and something that you will always hold close to you - something that other kind of holidays can rarely provide.
2011年8月24日 星期三
Avian Flu and Neti
Scientists have gone so far as to resurrect the deadly flu virus of the 1918 world epidemic that claimed close to 50 million lives. Though of clearly different strains, due to some similarity of symptoms, these scientists have concluded - and quite alarmingly - that the present virus can mutate into a deadly one. Moreover, there is no available vaccination (external help) to guard us from a possibly impending calamity.
All of this has served to further the paranoia and people are clearly worried.
How do we tackle this?
As yoga students and enthusiasts, we should be able to use this as an opportunity to become more aware and take charge of our own lives.This is a time to remind ourselves that over 90% of disorders are psychosomatic in nature. We should remember that fear / anxiety lowers our immunity and provides a fertile ground for disease. According to yoga philosophy, our entire being is organized into sheaths or layers. Disease arises in the Manomaya Kosha (mind sheath); this disturbs the energy balance in the Pranamaya kosha (energy sheath). This disturbance percolates down and causes subsequent malfunction in the organs, nerves and bodily systems - the Annamaya Kosha.The task before us is to 'reverse' this vicious cycle of fear (negative thinking) resulting in the lowering of immunity, which in turn leads to disease.Specifics
Besides the usual precautions of keeping your hands clean and body hydrated, it has been found that the nasal irrigation practice of Neti can be very effective in the prevention and treatment of Flu symptoms.One of the primary causes of Flu and colds is the Rhinovirus and about 80% of all virus enters through the nasal passages. The sinuses offer the first line of defense and it follows that healthy sinuses can nip the problem in the bud.What does Neti (nasal cleansing) do?Neti keeps the first line of defense clean and fit enough to kill the virus at the first instance of its growth cycle when it is relatively at its weakest.Neti keeps the sinuses humid and the mucus thin. This helps drain out the viruses and inhibits them from getting a hold onto the membranes.Neti is especially effective against the rhinovirus, which is a major contributor to the flu.The subsequent drying action after Neti is a very effective yoga practice for the oxygenation of the brain and keeping the mind relaxed. But, more importantly, from a flu perspective, it increases the temperature within the sinuses greatly. An increase in the temperature by even a few degrees dramatically increases the body's ability to kill these viruses, by increasing the activity of immune system cells in the nose.With these practical benefits, Neti not only boosts the physical immunity, but also provides a boost to your psychological defense by helping you know that you are one up in the battle.To read more on the nasal cleansing technique of Neti, click hereTo read 'never-ending' testimonials on Neti, click hereIn fact coupled with other internal detox techniques such as stomach cleansing (kunjal) & colon cleansing (enema), you can lend your natural defense mechanism a BIG helping hand - both physical and psychological. This will automatically & dramatically reduce the risk of contracting disease.We can't guarantee ourselves freedom from disease, but by taking charge of our own health, we can ensure that we are on the right side of Darwin's theory in the various battles that lie ahead.
All the best,
Sheetali Pranayam (Cooling Breath)
From the base position, inhale from the mouth through the 'tubular' tongue. As the air flows over the moist tongue, it greatly reduces the temperature of the inhaled breath.
You should feel the coolness over your tongue and upper palate at every inhalation.
The inhalation should be deep WITHOUT strain on the lungs or diaphragm.
After inhalation, draw back the tongue, close your mouth and exhale through the NOSE.
This complete cycle of inhalation-exhalation forms one round.
In the rolled tongue position, as you draw the breath in, the sound will be like that of rustling leaves. In the variation pose, the sound will be a hissing sound while inhalation.Frequency
Begin by practicing 10 rounds and overtime increase both, the duration of each round as well as the total number of rounds. For general benefits, practice upto 15 rounds. However, for relief from symptoms created by hot weather, do upto 50 rounds.
Who should NOT doIf you suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma, wheezing or bronchitis, please avoid this practice.
If your body type has a cold disposition characterized by excessive mucus secretion, this Pranayama should be avoided.
Chronic constipation sufferers should refrain from this practice.
Those with heart disease may do so but WITHOUT breath retention. Unfavorable Conditions
As we are bypassing the filtering mechanism of the nose during inhalation, this practice should NOT be done in a polluted or dirty environment.
Also, it should not be practiced during cold weather conditions.
If for any reason, the above directions seem confusing, you can now download the video of Sheetali Pranayama at a nominal charge of $2 to cover our bandwidth costs. To download the video, Click here.
Enjoy your summer with the knowledge that you can always cool down when things get too hot to handle.2011年8月23日 星期二
Chronic Injury and Yoga Rehabilitation
2011年8月22日 星期一
Yoga, Fitness and Self Improvement the Unending dilemma
Yoga is perhaps the only discipline that brings about an overall personality development and leaves one feeling confident, energetic and motivated. It creates the perfect balance in all the systems of the body. It tones the nervous system, releases anxiety and promotes inner harmony.Yoga strengthens the immune system and helps to develop concentration, focus and mental flexibility. In our daily lives, it helps to develop awareness about the effects of stress and provides the tools to manage it. Its benefits extend from the home and the work place to every aspect of daily life. Regular practice of yoga is proven to bring improved health in mind and body, higher energy levels and increased productivity.Yoga helps us come out of the vicious circles abundant in our secluded lifestyles. It teaches us to be humble, kind and giving. Most importantly, it not only makes us healthier and fitter, it also makes us happier and better human beings, Undoubtedly, that is the most vital requirement of our times.
Religion and Yoga
This little piece of land on earth known as 'India' today, has given four faiths or religions to the world namely:(1) Hindu, (2) Jainism, (3) Buddhism, and? (4) Sikhism. Six schools of thoughts:(1) Nyaya, (2) Vaisheshika, (3) Samkhya, (4) Yoga, (5) Mimansa and (6) Vedanta. Hundreds and thousands of spiritual leaders in its history from time immemorial were born on this land.? None of them have ever tried to prove their own supremacy on the other because they all originate from Sanatan Dharma and the followers were living a yogic life style no matter which path they believed in, followed and preached!
2011年8月21日 星期日
Medicine and Yoga
I am "into" yoga and have been seriously practicing and teaching for over a quarter-century. But don't get me wrong. I strongly believe in allopathic western oriented medicine. I believe in regular medical examinations, taking prescriptive medicines, and even when necessary, undergoing surgery. In fact, having had MS for the past nine years has afforded me deep appreciation of all western medicine has to offer.
On the other hand, I also profoundly value what I have learned about taking personal responsibility from my yoga practice. To me, yoga comes nothing close to resembling a religion; but is instead a series of exercises designed to accommodate my body's changing flexibility, strength, and endurance as it presents itself at any given moment. What I love about this approach, as a teacher is that it adapts to meet the specific needs of individuals and has nothing to do with competition or even "trying" to do yoga. This approach to yoga therefore becomes a microcosm of life. If my body's not feeling right, I find myself wanting to make appropriate changes in life-style or become more proactive in physician-assisted intervention in order to improve my health. I find myself wanting to do additional research and wanting to explore additional options to become more involved in my health-care management. Fortunately, the relationship between allopathic physicians and patients is in transition. As such, attitudes toward yoga that helps teach a person to become proactive and self-responsible are quickly becoming recognized as another component of conventional medicine. It teaches me how to be proactive. That is, I learn how to pay attention to the messages my body is giving me and how to do something different when what I'm doing doesn't feel right. In other words, when I'm doing a series of yoga exercises and if I'm doing something that feels uncomfortable or might lead to injury, I'll do it differently. Yoga teaches me to make changes in my life in order to maximize benefit and to minimize liability.Yoga And Weight Loss
If you wish to work on one body part more like the hips or abdomen or thighs or arms or legs or chest you can incorporate the asnas specific to your requirement in the above plan.
Yogic Asans to tighten the abdomen are:
Abdominal lift, Child pose, Cobra pose, Wind releasing pose, Yogic seal pose, Spinal twist, Lying on back pose - baat pose, Naval Move Asana (lying on back).Yogic asans for arms and legs:
Tree pose, Hero pose, Dog pose (face up), Dog pose (face down), Swinging lotus pose, Bridge pose (face up), Bridge pose (face down), Celebacy pose, Squat and rise pose.Yoga plan to tighten the chest:
Triangle pose, Hero pose, Baat pose (lying on back), Cobra pose, Wind releasing pose, Dog pose (face upand down), Lumbar wheel pose, Spinal twist.Yoga Asans to tone up thighs and hips:
Sun salute, Hero pose I + II, Triangle pose, Angle pose, Dog pose (face up), Dog pose (face down), Celebacy pose, Advanced wind releasing pose, Butterfly pose.Pranayama (breathing exercises)
Yogic Breathing: Inhale. First blow your abdomen, and then expand the chest. While exhaling, first relax the chest and then the abdomen. Practise like this for 10 times.Meditation and Relaxation
Focus your attention on your breathing, feel its temperature and keep your breathing, thoroughly equalised (i.e. inhale for 3 sec and exhale for 3 secs).Naturopathic treatment
This can be done in conjunction with the above yogic exercise plan. For the naturopathic treatment you will need to consult an experienced naturopath.2011年8月20日 星期六
What Is Yoga Therapy?
Reverse Aging Through Yoga - I (Yoga and Lifestyle)

The ancient scriptures would certainly seem to suggest so. The "Vedas", have referred to the earliest generation of humans as "sat-yug " or the generation where people lived up to a thousand years. Following that came the "dwi-yug" or the generation of the 500-year life span. This progressively declined and the present generation is called "kal-yug" or the 'generation of death' in which we do not hope to live even a 100 years. So what has gone wrong?

Our body is made up of trillions of cells. Science proves that our cells regenerate every 7 years leading into an entirely new existence. Einstein said 98% of the intelligence and energy renews every year. Then why do we age?

It has been seen that for some mysterious reason, the cells suddenly stop regenerating and then deterioration begins. For some people it happens very late so ageing is delayed while for others it happens relatively sooner.To understand ageing, it must be understood that all that exists in this universe is MATTER and LIFE. And it is life that is responsible for holding the matter together. When there is no life, matter decays - just like in the case of a dead body. Body is nothing but matter. Life, in turn, is the outcome of thought.Therefore, it follows that our body is the expression of thinking and the mind. Just like dreams are an outcome of thinking, so too is the body an expression of thought. If you have beautiful, young thoughts this will form an 'autosuggestion' to each body cell to mould itself accordingly. The cells collectively form the whole body and so the body gets moulded accordingly.So, if we can condition our thoughts to be right, it follows that our body will be right.Did you know that most diseases are born in the mind?

We are conditioned to think that as we reach a certain chronological age we can expect certain disorders such as cholesterol, heart ailments, loss of memory, enlarged prostate etc. This serves as autosuggestion to the clever mind. The mind, in turn, dictates this to the body, and the body responds accordingly and the disease actually occurs. Does this sound simplistic or na?ve? Read on? The "age trap"

We are in fact caught in the "age trap". Right from the time we are born, the world reinforces in us our age. "C'mon Jim, you're nearing 60, you better take retirement". We are conditioned right from our birth about where we stand in the chronological chart and "assume" our life span to be about 80 years.Sadly, health magazines perpetuate this with their statistics - "80% of the people over 50 showed signs of an abnormally increased prostate" and so on. This statistic reinforces to the mind at a subconscious level that the problem is likely to occur at that age. So when a man nears 50, his subconscious mind dictates this to the body, the ailment occurs and the statistic is "proved". Thus continues the vicious cycle. As is famously said, "thinking makes it so". So the age trap is the chronological perspective of age that has been imposed upon us by the world. This conditions our mind to accept this fact. The mind, in turn, "auto suggests" this to the body which responds accordingly. This happening reinforces the society's view of age. In other words, Age becomes an expression of the collective consciousness of the world.Just imagine, if you were faced with a situation where you had no idea of your chronological age. This is true of native villages in India that have zero education levels. The farmer who tills his soil has no idea of his day of birth. Ask him this, and he'll look at you quizzically in the face and mumble - "my aunt says it was a full moon night". It has been observed that such people "die with their boots on" - working up to the last minute with no apparent deterioration in their health.Isn't that what we really seek? No pain, no suffering - just being young till the very last day. The role of diet

Sadly, even our diet perpetrates this ageing process. Modern diet is cluttered with preserved foods. Natural but preserved - a big joke. There is NOTHING like preserved natural food. It has been documented in the scriptures, that one must eat living, vegetarian food for a positive nutrition to the body AND mind. Preservatives can be equated to chemicals that are used to embalm a dead body. Just like embalming retains the outward appearance of the body but from within there is no life; similarly, preservatives retain ONLY the outward appearance but there is NO nutrition left in the food. "Eating dead food leads to a dead mind and a dead body".I'll leave it here this week to give you time to ponder on these facts. Next week, I'll guide you on the right approach to lead a fuller, younger and longer life and how yoga can help you achieve that.Till then?. Warm wishes,
Arun Goel
2011年8月19日 星期五
Yoga Does Not Mean Exercise (Yoga and Lifestyle)

We say, that it is harmful to exercise as age increases. So, we will have to apply same principle to 'Yogasana' also. On the contrary it has been said that very old people, patients can also practice Yogasana. It is very true, that exercise and Yogasana are related to the muscular system of body. May be due to this reason, Yogasanas are considered as part of exercise. But the real difference lies here. In exercise, more emphasis is given on movements of muscles whereas, in Yogasana it is given on steadiness of muscles. Yoga Maharshi Patanjali has defined Yoga as 'Steady and comfortable state means Asana'.
( || Sthirsukham Asanam || ). If we think over this definition, it can be noticed that exercise and Yogasana are two distinct aspects i.e. they work in exactly opposite directions to each other. If you keep this point in mind, then the next explanation can be easily understood. It is know that, Yogasana means the different states of parts of body. In this state, stability and comfort of body parts and so of

'Yog is not an exercise, but it's a lifestyle'.
Yoga is a riotous way to live happy & healthy life.
Why be Spiritual?
Before we delve into why one should be spiritual, we should understand what is meant by being spiritual. Spirituality means different things to different people. For someone it means becoming more religious (religion implying worship of "God" and the teachings of their accepted faith). It is to be understood that performing ceremonies and customs is the ritualistic aspect of the religion and not the spiritualistic part. In its simplest form, spirituality means to go within. Even the act of worshipping or connecting with God is actually a form of going within - connecting with one's own interpretation of God and faith. What is this going within? Going within is basically establishing a sort of connection with something within on a sustained basis - Something that provides us with an unending source of energy, irrespective of happenings in the outside world. So why be spiritual? Spirituality offers us a way to avoid accumulating stress or emotion. Being spiritual implies a total non-dependence on any external object or situation. This non-dependency on anything external prevents any energy dissipation. Once we start being spiritual, we begin to realize the meaningless-ness of several things or issues that we usually give undue importance to. We start seeing the impermanence behind several material pursuits and outcomes, in such a way, that we begin enjoying the process without building upon ourselves the baggage of emotion. The impermanence of and meaningless-ness behind material pursuits becomes a growing realization which, in turn, conserves our finer energies that we otherwise dissipate all the time. The quality of our wants and desires improve from the grosser to the finer level and this sets up a virtuous cycle with every passing day, the culmination of which is an ocean of supreme bliss, peace and unwavering stability. Spirituality offers us a realization that this world and everything is in constant change. Change itself is inevitable. Yet, spirituality provides the invisible anchor to help us find our bearings at all times. This, itself, is a sufficient reason to find merit in the spiritual path.
2011年8月18日 星期四
Is Yoga Medicine?
Balanced Yoga as important as Balanced Diet
What am I? A personality.
What is personality? A combination of body, style, emotions and intellect.
So when we talk about bettering ourselves, it should not be just about physical improvement but improving our personality, our entire being. A poor man is poor, not only because of less money. He is poor because `perhaps', he does not have the intelligence of how to earn; or he does not have a fit and healthy body; or he lacks the attitude, the will and emotional balance to work. In such a case, the poor man has to work on some or all aspects of his personality for a better living. Working on just his health and intelligence may not be enough. He has to develop the willingness, the right emotion as well. We all are aware that we need to have a balanced diet - the right proportion of proteins , carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Having too much or too less of any of these nutrients will lead to an imbalanced body and disease. Similarly, our personality too needs to be fed the right balance of emotion, intellect and physical components. Yoga has several branches - Hatha or Raja Yoga for body development; Gyana Yoga for the intellect and knowledge; Bhakti Yoga for faith; Karma Yoga for action and service. These yoga practices must be combined for greater results. Balanced yoga will lead to a balanced personality- an Integrated Personality - a personality with less psychological, emotional and physical problems. No one aspect of yoga should be over-emphasized. Too much of Bhakti Yoga will make a person fatalistic - "This happened because of God" , "I couldn't sleep because of God" , The grass is green because of God . It brings an imbalance. Too much of Gyana Yoga makes a person an intellectual. He wouldn't do anything as it is easier to just sit and think. The person starts lacking in other aspects of his personality. Emphasis on Hatha Yoga will just make you too body conscious. The personality will not be strong enough to handle emotional and mental crisis. The right proportion of all yoga aspects is vital for a balanced and healthy personality. One should practice 70% Karma Yoga (Action and service), 20% Hatha yoga (postures and Pranayama), 5% Gyana yoga (Knowledge) and 5% Bhakti Yoga (Devotion) for happiness and health. Mothers might as well start advising balanced yoga along with balanced meals to their kids!2011年8月17日 星期三
Who is the Right Yoga Teacher for You
Simplicity In A Complex World
Curl the index and middle finger of the right hand, block off the right nostril with the right thumb, inhale through the left nostril. Block the left nostril, exhale through the right nostril. Inhale right nostril, exhale left, inhale left and continue this alternate nostril breath. You may keep this pattern going for as long as you like, finishing with an exhale through the left nostril. Kindness and compassion, seeing all others as an equal manifestation of life, are simple and helpful concepts in yoga. In this way we see each other as mirrors of each other, mirrors which help us in our self growth. Yogi Bhajan says : If you don't see God in all, you don't see God at all (God being the energy that generates, organizes and delivers all!). When conflicts arise in our relationships, to simplify our interaction with someone when we feel the encounter may be emotionally charged, Kundalini Yoga offers a simple 3 to 5 minute Meditation for a Calm Heart. Place the left hand on the middle of the sternum, facing the fingers to the right. Bend the right elbow as if taking a vow and press the index finger to the thumb, palm facing forward. Close the eyes, inhale through the nose, hold the breath in for a comfortable length of time, then exhale through the nose and hold the breath out long enough to be challenged but not to gasp for air. Inhale and hold, exhale and hold and continue this cycle of breathing for 3 to 5 minutes before going into a challenging meeting with friends or associates. Recently a few people have suggested to me that Kundalini Yoga is most suitable to senior citizens. This is not an appreciation for the tools of meditation that are immediately introduced as part of Kundalini and for the fact that a physical practice can be challenging without being an atheletic workout. These non-athletic practices can be subtle and challenging in their own right.Here is an example of how meditation techniques can help simplify our life, taken from a correspondence:
I am a pre-med student. I took Kundalini Yoga for athletic credit in high school. I also suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. I did not realize until after graduating how much of an effect the active nature of Kundalini Yoga had on my condition. The chanting, rhythm and energetic exercises engaged my mind and body allowing me to remain focused during the Yoga. I had problems with other forms of Yoga. Kundalini often left me with a mental clarity that I have not experienced anywhere else, not even when I take my medication! Kundalini Yoha has been so special to me! After all, is not a life of simplicity ultimately a life of contentment. So if it is walking, which massages the internal organs, or something else that gives you that peace, give it to your Self on a regular basis. From Wallace Stegner's All the Little Living Things : It will hardly do to confess out loud, in this century, what it took to content us. We walked, gardened, read. We simplified feeling.Awareness of what helps us simplify and then doing it is all it takes!!
2011年8月16日 星期二
Suryanamaskara - Sun Salutation

Surya namaskara is a series of twelve physical postures. These alternating backward and forward bending postures flex and stretch the spinal column through their maximum range giving a profound stretch to the whole body. Often, after a hard days work, we would just flop down on the couch * apparently * relaxing our bodies - but it is NOT so. The stagnant energies remain locked up and the organs remain de-oxygenated to a large extent. Surya Namaskar has a deep effect in detoxifying the organs through copius oxygenation and has a deeper relaxing effect.

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2011年8月15日 星期一
OM Chanting and Mantras in Yoga
Yoga Nidra Newsletter - I
Yoga nidra has been experienced as "the" most powerful relaxation technique known to man. Yet, in yoga, it is used much more than that. The power of this technique is such that it is regularly used as a therapeutic technique to overcome pain, act on the deepest neurosis and even overcome disability in certain cases.At its simplest level, it may be understood and practised as a way of total physical and mental relaxation. The advanced benefits can be reached with regular practice.Although Yoga nidra is of great help to insomniacs because it stimulates sleep, it must be understood that Yoga Nidra itself is NOT sleep. At best, it can be described as ?Sleep of Awareness?. In conventional ?sleep?, we lose control of our senses. But if you seek the greatest benefits, you must transcend this feeling so that you can stimulate the mind in the desired manner and be in control.If followed correctly, it has a tremendous soothing effect on the mind by freeing it from unresolved contradictions and tensions. It works on the states of mind that actually create and sustain inner conflict. Conflicts may be in the form of unresolved mental issues or even physical disability and disorders.Yoga Nidra works very effectively on mental resolve, will power and resolutions. Many people testify to the unbelievable power and effectiveness of the resolution (?Sankalpa?) made during the practice of Yoga nidra.Why? Because it acts at a dormant or subconscious level that we are not aware of. It is just like watering a seed planted deep down in the soil. Each time you water it, you stimulate its growth though you can?t see it. You see it only when it breaks through into the light. Similarly, yoga Nidra works at a subconscious level and you realize it only when it becomes part of your waking life.How it works?In Yoga Nidra, your mind is first ?scientifically disconnected? from the external surroundings and even from your physical body though well-researched techniques. These are the ?awareness rotation? techniques that include sound rotation, body rotation, and breath rotation.
After this has been achieved, the mind is fed with subtle vibrations through Mantra and Visualization methods which reach the deepest and remotest areas of the brain and serve to massage them creating the desired effect.It is impossible to EXPLAIN how these techniques work. To experience the benefits, you would have to be taught by a learned Yoga master. Personal interactions work best and I would strongly advise you to go ahead - armed with this knowledge - and find a learned practitioner of yoga Nidra.If you can?t, I would suggest that you seriously evaluate the ?Beginners Yoga course? which includes a full audio section of over 90 minutes of guided Yoga Nidra by the Master Swami Gurupremananda Saraswati himself.To know more on the course, click hereTo sum up ? Yoga Nidra is a superlative relaxation tool. One hour of effective yoga nidra is equivalent to over 4 hours of sleep.
But, the true purpose of yoga nidra goes well beyond deep relaxation. Yoga Nidra establishes the link between the conscious desires, the will power, the subconscious and the unconscious mind. When this happens you reap all-round powerful benefits and feel in total control of all aspects of your life.
All the best,
Arun Goel
2011年8月14日 星期日
Rise of Disease
Any disease, big or small originates from the mind. Disturbance in the mind, if not managed in time, manifests itself in some sort of a physical ailment. How can daily stress and unresolved issues cause disease? Our bodily functions are controlled by a complex play of various hormones, enzymes and chemicals. The production of these chemicals is done by the pituitary-pineal-hypothalamus gland complex in our brain. The brain acts after getting the signals from the mind. A peaceful and relaxed mind will send normal impulses to the brain, whereas, a stressful mind, will generate chaotic impulses, leading to a disturbance in the brain's gland complex. This will further lead to minor metabolic defects. These defects gradually become major defects, producing a spectrum of diseases. For example, let us see how stress can lead to major heart problems: Stress