2011年8月9日 星期二

Get the Most out of Yoga – the 3 step Blueprint

The maximum benefits of any Yoga practice can be had when the mind is ?purified? and the attitude is correct.

Yoga lays down clear pointers that the aspirant should adopt towards himself and the society. These are laid out as Yamas and Niyamas.

The Yamas are the social code of conduct which are 5 in number. They are Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (Truth), Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (self-restraint), and Aparigraha (non-possession)

The Niyamas are the internal moral code. The 5 Niyamas are: Shauch (cleanliness), Santosh (contentment), Swadhyaya (self-study), Tapas (austerity), and Ishwar Pranidhana (surrender to God).

These Yamas and Niyamas are to be understood, imbibed and practiced in everyday life, 24x7. This adherence brings about a remarkable purification process that makes the body most receptive to gain the maximum out of yoga practices.

Today, even modern medicine has inextricably linked the mind-body complex as a whole for personal health maintenance which only underlines the necessity of this purification process.

View the original article here

