Shatkarmas- the yoga cleansing processes of the body are six in number. According to Gherand Samhita , each of the practices has several further varieties. The six practices are: DHAUTI- It is an important yogic system of auto cleaning. It has 4 types Antar ( internal )Dhauti -This further divided into -

BASTI- This yoga practice of colon cleansing has 2 parts NETI - this yogic nasal irrigation technique is of 4 typesTRATAK- A yoga exercise for the eyes, it involves steady and continuous gazing at a point of concentration. It is further subdivided into: NAULI - a yoga abdominal cleansing technique which serves to massage the internal organs of the body. In this the abdominal muscles are isolated and churned. It has 3 parts KAPALBHATI - this mind detoxification technique of yoga has 3 components Vatkrama Kapalbhati (similar to bhastrika pranayama) These yoga cleansing practices should be learnt under the guidance of an experienced master. He shall be able to guide you which technique is best suited to your body type. Also out of the above techniques mentioned some of them are the advanced ones, and should be done after perfecting the easier and basic ones. The shatkarmas if practiced unnecessarily, will not be so effective when genuinely required. Just as one would not have tonsils or appendix removed if there were doing perfectly, similarly shatkarmas have to be practiced by those who require it. No wonder these practices were treated with great esteem and respect by the yogis who perfected them and knew about their power.